Ice dam buildup is a common problem in the Nebraska area. One of the biggest problems with ice dams is that they cause snow to back up behind them, putting significant strain on roofing. This could cause leakages, crack formations, damage to walls and ceilings and even a possible roof collapse. For this reason, it’s important to prepare for the winter season and understand how to prevent an ice dam on your roof.

What causes an ice dam?

Ice dams occur when snow melts and flows down your roof. When it reaches the lower section of the roof, it freezes. Over time, this can cause a buildup of ice, which prevents water from properly draining. This water buildup eventually finds its way into cracks and drains into the attic and eventually into your house. This can not only be hazardous, but could result in very costly damages.

There are also health problems that could occur. The moisture that manages to enter your home could cause mold growth and mildew and incite respiratory problems among you and your family. If you ever have a problem with moisture due to ice dams, you should consult a professional immediately. They will be able to properly dry out your home and prevent this from happening.

Preventing ice dams

There are various preventative measures that you can take to prevent ice dams from forming in the first place. Such techniques include:

  • Removing snow from your roof with a roof rake.
  • Forming a drainage pathway for the water to flow down, which is a short-term solution to use if you’re already having problems.
  • Increasing ceiling insulation to prevent warm air from escaping and melting the snow.

If you’re having any issues with ice dams, you should contact a qualified technician. A professional will have the tools and knowledge required to remove both the ice dam and excess snow without damaging your roof.

For more expert advice about how to avoid problems associated with an ice dam on your roof, contact the pros at Fred’s Heating and Air. We’ve been serving the Omaha and Council Bluffs areas for over 25 years.